Thursday, August 11, 2011

Updates: New photo albums & Autumn sale

Hello! A quick note to update you on a few items:
  1. For those of you unfamiliar with the Gimli area, we're posting some pictures on our Facebook page. We've just posted a Canada Day album, and in another week or so we'll post pictures from the famous Icelandic Festival - Islendingadagurinn! You can see the first album here. Watch this space or even better, become a fan of us on Facebook and you'll be up-to-date for the next album, coming soon! 
  2. AUTUMN SALE is now on! We know it's a bit early to be thinking about Autumn, but we've felt the nights getting cooler and decided to warm you up with the opportunity of a lifetime: flood-protected lakefront property for a fraction of the price you'll find it anywhere else (and we're not just saying that because we're the only flood-protected property in the area). Just how much of a discount, you ask? Well, that depends on the size and precise location of the lot you choose, but we're starting with discounts of up to 25% off the listed price. So come by and find the lot for you, quick before it's gone!
    • NOTE: list prices coming soon on the website, but until then, call us and check! We're really very nice. 

Watch: Exploring the Local Beaches