Thursday, March 1, 2012

Odin Green is ready for Spring. Are you?

  •  New Album
    We were out on the land in January for a walk in the woods. It was a gorgeous day and we thought we'd take some pics so you could come with us. Check out the album here.
  • Winter Progress: finishing touches
    Winter is one of the busiest times for making improvements to a Waterfront development; in order to move the rock and sand exactly where we want it to go, we need to wait for freeze up so that we can place it just right. This Winter we've been hard at work, raising the land even higher in some places and placing the last of the rock and sand so that it looks just right. We're very pleased to announce  that these finishing touches are complete. We'll be posting more pics as the snow melts this Spring so you can see how great it looks, but if you're in the area, why not drop by and check it out?
  • Spring Price List: coming soon
    We're getting the Spring price list ready, and we're expecting to release it April 1st. In the meantime, if you want to get in on some Winter pricing before the sun comes out, call or email us so we can squeeze you in!

Watch: Exploring the Local Beaches