Friday, August 2, 2013

Happy Islendingadagurinn!

And it begins! Islendingadagurinn, or the Day of the Icelander (translation) is a major event for those of us living in the Gimli area. It means boat rides and skyr, fris-nok and perogies, and best of all, reunions with family from near and far. We'll be out and about all weekend, so come by and say hi! Not sure what else to catch while you're in town? Try the Icelandic sampler at Amma's Tea House, watch Islendingadunk, and don't forget to catch Kate Ferris at the Celebrity Concert!
We look forward to seeing you at Odin Green. Keep an eye out for the next post, which will have stories and pics from the festival.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Peaceful Start to Summer

The boat is in the water, the leaves and grass are green, and life on Odin Green couldn't be more relaxing. We'd like to extend a special welcome to Don and Pat Newbury and Victor and Judy Park, who have just joined us this year on Odin Green. The Newburys are just finishing their new straw bale home (we'll have a full report of the process in the next entry!) and the Parks have just moved into their new home on Waterfront Drive. Here's what they had to say about their experience:

We have finally settled into our dream home, in Odin Green Waterfront. Victor and Judie and our two poodles.
The peacefulness, the beautiful birds, watching the pelicans as they soar down into the water for dinner....the mom and papa geese as they waddle across our back yard, with their tiny goslings...just a little hissing, at me, as I try to get closer, and they say..."stay away!"

The activity of boats and canoes, and happy persons as they come and go, through canals, into Willow lake or into the beautiful man made waters that surround our beautiful Odin Green Community. The fisher moms and dads, with their young children, patiently casting their lines in....hoping a catch for dinner. 
The peacefulness is incredible, sunsets breathless in their beauty....sunrise amazing, as I awaken each morning to witness its perfection, from our tower.

Life is precious, how gifted we feel, Victor and I, to have possession of one of the many beautiful lots in Odin Green Waterfront. 

Yesterday, we got our, not only will I enjoy the beauty around me, from the tower and decks, and the windows of our home.....we can canoe around, the canals and lake ourselves.....
Only happiness fills my soul, as we set off on our adventure, to see what awaits us, around every corner. 

What glorious memories we will make in our retirement.

Thank you, to two special people, Bruce and Dave for helping us attain our vision, bringing it to reality. A dream come true...
Have a wonderful day, to all, who already enjoy Odin Green Waterfront Property, in Gimli. Also a special welcome to anyone who is thinking of joining us, in owning property here, in our heaven, on Odin Green.

Hugs Victor and Judie

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Summertime is Coming

We're pretty excited about the upcoming Summer here at Odin Green. There's a new pub in town, the birds are singing, and the weather is getting better and better (or at least, it is supposed to after this weekend!). What better place to be than a quiet spot on a forested path, or on the water's edge, fishing for a pickerel supper? That's what we'll be thinking about as we get the boat ready to go in the water, the super-mower ready to cut the grass, and our arms ready to attack those pesky weeds whenever they pop up!

Watch: Exploring the Local Beaches