Friday, August 2, 2013

Happy Islendingadagurinn!

And it begins! Islendingadagurinn, or the Day of the Icelander (translation) is a major event for those of us living in the Gimli area. It means boat rides and skyr, fris-nok and perogies, and best of all, reunions with family from near and far. We'll be out and about all weekend, so come by and say hi! Not sure what else to catch while you're in town? Try the Icelandic sampler at Amma's Tea House, watch Islendingadunk, and don't forget to catch Kate Ferris at the Celebrity Concert!
We look forward to seeing you at Odin Green. Keep an eye out for the next post, which will have stories and pics from the festival.

Watch: Exploring the Local Beaches