About Us


  • Odin Green is a waterfront community located one mile south of Gimli, Manitoba. It has been lovingly developed by two brothers from the local community: Bruce and Gerry Arnason. 

What's in a name?

The name Odin Green reflects the family’s and the region’s Icelandic heritage.

  • “Odin”  refers to the best known and most powerful deity from Norse mythology. The name is a reminder of the traditional values that helped the Icelandic immigrants in their struggles to build a new life here in Canada. 
  • "Green" refers to the state of nature and the location of the subdivision in an area teeming with birds, fish, and wildlife. It also reflects the "green" approach taken in design, including the minimization of traffic flows and light pollution, and a strong commitment to common use areas. 

Watch: Exploring the Local Beaches